  1. Big Cars

From the recording Focal Point (Album)

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Big Cars

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Big Cars is track 8 on the album Focal Point.

Nothing too deep and meaningful here but I do like to drive and I hate traffic jams. The inside of a car can be a great place to be or a prison depending on the journey.

But on a visit to the USA I was surprised that if one was so inclined they could drive their car at 55 mph with auto cruise set, and no reason to touch the steering wheel for some considerable time, due to the length of straight highways. Give me the twisty country roads of the Yorkshire Dales any day.

I also really enjoyed making the racing car sounds using my bottleneck and my strat.

Music written and composed by Paul Cusick.
Guitars, Keys, Vox & Programming: Paul Cusick
Drums: Alex Cromarty


Big cars drive
10 lanes wide
Air con or die
At 55

Pimped up with pride
Skin hides inside
Kick down to drive
At 55

Sitting in my box there’s 18 kind of locks
Designed to set me free
Safe within my shell the radio talks to me
Alone no one can see

I want to drift away
Far from this stinking road
No-one can hear me pray
I want to shed this load

I drive my car
It takes me near or far
Faster than you
Red, amber, green… into the blue